Monday 9 December 2019


What does this tool do? This project is under active development. NET tutorials C programming. I am disgusted by DRM especially since I would rather buy products without DRM than buy something that has it as is most Verizon products Especially since most of these "methods" will require the user to have internet. I am having some problem with fpinclude of linux version. Anonymous October 8, at 6: baksmali-1.4.0.jar

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Simply it backsmali classes. Anonymous, since fingerprints replicate what someone would do, ie. Why we need it? This file currently contains most of the syntax that is currently supported, and smali can assemble it into a working classes. Anonymous October 8, at 6: Anonymous January 26, at 2: LaBBa, i had to remove your comment since baksmali-1.4.0.ajr mentioned a specific app.


If finished your changes, assemble classout folder by option 2. Lohan I will be supporting you in your further development of this tool. I am using antivil instead of antilvlas i have renamed it.


The names "smali" and "baksmali" are equivalents of "assembler" and "disassembler" respectively. Thank you for sharing. To see an example of the syntax, take a look at HelloWorld2.

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They show as failing the license check. XDA Labs Labs is an independent app store that gives developers full control over their work.


Managed hosting by Everycity. Anonymous November 9, at 9: I agree with you.


Forgive me lohan but would those commands be used in a. Alternatively just tell us what you think! I know the whole community of users will be also behind you. With backsmali, you will be able to disassemble the java classes into editable form smalis so you can do your editing and modding involving java script. Anonymous January 3, at 8: It would require a lot of time and effort and I'm just not that interested in pissing developers off.

Do NOT post about or link to specific apps! Subscribe to Thread Page 1 of 8 1 2 3 Last. Anonymous January 3, at 7: Learner February 2, at 3: So why is the download link removed?

Android apk and jar files will include java classes to execute certain functionality. I'm not trained with all the CMD commands and so trying to understand each function variable is confusing me. D major changes include: Each are apps I've purchased Baksmali-1.4.0.jar and Java programmers.

Learner February 2, at 5: Why not write for us?

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